Thursday, November 21, 2019

Music & Its Effects The First Post To Read

Music and Its Effects

Although the olfactory sense is scientifically claimed as the strongest memory sense of our collective five physical senses. Arguably, the auditory sense is my strongest memory connector; reasonably, that would explain why I'm a strong auditory learner.

A separate concept and premonition about sound by great-uncle author, Edgar Cayce, in which he said, " sound will be the medicine of the future." has changed the way this self-admitted, "special",  woman has come to view the world of mental health of the 22nd century.

I hypothesis that if sound is a form of medicine and is also my strongest memory sense, that I should be able to receive cognitive, perhaps... psychoanalytic benefit through sound therapy. I believe music therapy, already as a recognized form of psychiatric therapy, will be the primary form of therapy for my self psychiatric mental therapy for which this blog will be a recording guide for. Obviously, as a  writer, I will journal some as another form of self-awareness recording and reasonings, musings and such as part of the therapy.  

My Relationship with Music

I use the word relationship so is my therapy compromised perhaps I shall have to analyze through monologue. 
Why do i say relationship?  I am inquisitively drawn to all forms of music. I will analyze a song or piece of music as if unfolding a new language. Do we not do that when we meet new people? We try to figure them out, build or not build a bond, a relationship with them.

I believe my science with it goes deeper.  Some parts of my genetic coding equate music with memories and many times specific people. Another part of my internal coding is to have a strong memory; I remember things that occurred long before most children express cognitive memory.  Therefore, a majority of my memories are attached to songs, or words of a song will instantly take back to a point in time in my history; whoever may happen to be in that memory is then associated with that song. If I am music is strong enough for my psychosis to have personified it and identify it with every other person in my life probably would make it the strongest relationship I have.... Interesting,,,, Even before speech mothers use lullabies and music to soothe children so perhaps music and songs are the strongest relationships with EVERYONE..... Woahhh, and ... if we are all connected and one, and share the same soul, experiences, etc. then that's true and that's why Edgar Cayce said sound will be the medicine of the future and that's why musicians and our favorite bands and song connect with us the way they do because those people have shared our experiences and have the talent to express them for us in ways for us to talk about in forms like I am doing this very second and it will be considered a form of therapy... self-actualization.... Holy cow!!!

So is there a relationship? Hell yea! Will my therapy be compromised? Based on this introduction, (grins), best money for therapy I ever spent.

For interest, entertainment, and research, my posts will be primarily songs. Every song is a memory for me of someone from my past. That could mean my second-grade boyfriend, my high-school crush, my children. My point is if you know me personally you can speculate, but you will never know for sure unless I want you to.
Adam says it perfectly! He gets me.

My entries are on the pages and being moved to posts. If you scroll back up and look right, you will see a blog archive. Those are the files with the music and writings. Each music file has a link inside first that will connect you to the first page and then continues into the blog page after 12/19/19. Enjoy....

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